With our patented HC tech® technology you are guaranteed a series of unique advantages and benefits that you won't find anywhere else.


Why current juicers simply “don’t work"?

Since their invention in the 1930s, juicers have revolutionized the way we operate our kitchens and produce Healthy – Fresh vegs and fruit juices. However, since then, their main disadvantage remains and is no other than the Pulp Accumulation! All juicers, professional or household, cheap or expensive, must be thoroughly cleaned after a few juices as all of them clog from the accumulated fruit and veggie pulp.

That means that you have to disassemble your juicer carefully and very often, taking out all the parts, washing them thoroughly with NOT scalded water avoiding damaging sensitive parts and contacts! This is the main reason why juicers are user unfriendly and end up in our warehouse!

How / Why do we disrupt the juicers’ market?

HC Technology
Revolutionary Technology – Imaginative Innovation!

Innovative Juicing Technology

After each juicing of just 7 seconds, you just press a button and in few seconds all juicer’s inner surfaces are washed while clean water runs from the spout avoiding the alteration of the taste of the next juice, eliminating possibility of allergies for the next consumer. Finally, the juicer keeps on juicing all day long.

Display refrigerator juicer

Our display refrigerator juicers keep all fruits and veggies cool while the consumer enjoys the juice of his choice, instantly squeezed before his eyes.

100% fruit and vegetable juicing

Vegetables by nature produce juice with difficulty. But not with My Vitamin Bar juicers. With our innovative HC Tech® technology, complete juicing of vegetables is achieved.


#1 fast & convenient

With a press of a button, your juice is ready in just 7” seconds! After washing the fruits and/or veggies, you throw them into the juicer’s tube without cutting or peeling them. Exemptions to the rule are fruits with hard skin (eg orange, pineapple) or large pit (eg peaches) which must be removed.

The healthiest juice.

0% water.
0% losses.

Our display refrigerator juicers keep all fruits and veggies cool while the consumer enjoys the juice of his choice, instantly squeezed before his eyes.


The use of high-quality construction materials (such as titanium, solid surfaces, inox and specially processed crystals, etc.) in combination with their ergonomic design, ensure the high robustness and user friendliness required by today’s businesses and consumers.

Fully modular

My Vitamin Bar juicers are being designed in such a way so that all parts and spare parts can be disassembled and reassembled without any difficulty by the user. In the event of a problem, complex and time-consuming procedures are avoided and the cost of repairing the damage is kept to the minimum possible level.

Less than 10' daily

Low maintenance required

At the end of each working day, the operator removes 4 detachable key parts, washes & dries them by hand and re-assembles them.